🔭 Calendar views

View all jobs for a day in Monthly view

Learn how to view all jobs for a day in Monthly view

Written by Caitlyn baldassarre
Updated 2 months ago

Calendar block views: Job duration vs. Arrival window

Learn how to switch between block views and about the functions within each view

Written by Caitlyn baldassarre
Updated 2 months ago

Quickly cycle through the days/months/weeks

Use the left/right arrows to cycle through the calendar days

Written by Caitlyn baldassarre
Updated 2 months ago
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Additional Articles

How to sync your Modern Maids calendar to other calendars

Sync your Maidily calendar with other calendars like Google, Yahoo!, Outlook, and Apple

Written by Caitlyn baldassarre
Updated 2 months ago

How to (batch) send email reminders to customers - from Scheduling

Learn how to (batch) send email reminders from Scheduling

Written by Caitlyn baldassarre
Updated 2 months ago

Assigning techs/teams to jobs in Scheduling

Learn how to assign jobs to cleaners from our scheduling/calendar view

Written by Caitlyn baldassarre
Updated 2 months ago
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Additional articles

Drag, drop, and stretch functionality

Learn how drag, drop, and stretch works across the different Scheduling views

Written by Khari
Updated 1 year ago

Scheduling calendar views + Map

Day, Week, and Month view + Map of jobs

Written by Khari
Updated 1 year ago

Editing a job in Scheduling view

Quickly edit a job from the Scheduling view without losing your place

Written by Khari
Updated 1 year ago

How to sync your MMIO calendar to other calendars

Sync your MMIO calendar with other calendars like Google, Yahoo!, Outlook, and Apple

Written by Khari
Updated 1 year ago

How to change dates in Scheduling

Learn how to easily change dates in Scheduling

Written by Khari
Updated 1 year ago

View all jobs for a day in Monthly view

Learn how to view all jobs for a day in Monthly view

Written by Khari
Updated 1 year ago

Arrival window/Job duration

Learn how arrival/job duration calendar blocks will be displayed

Written by Khari
Updated 1 year ago

Print daily schedule

Learn how to print your daily schedule from Scheduling

Written by Khari
Updated 1 year ago

Calendar block views: Job duration vs. Arrival window

Learn how to switch between block views and about the functions within each view

Written by Khari
Updated 1 year ago

Quickly cycle through the days/months/weeks

Use the left/right arrows to cycle through the calendar

Written by Khari
Updated 1 year ago

How to (batch) send job assignments to cleaners - from Scheduling

Learn how to (batch) send job assignments from Scheduling

Written by Khari
Updated 1 year ago

How to (batch) send email reminders to customers - from Scheduling

Learn how to (batch) send email reminders from Scheduling

Written by Khari
Updated 1 year ago