Saving custom line items

Save newly created custom line items for future use
Written by Mary
Updated 3 months ago

You can save your custom line items for future use as you create them in Maidily. 

Creating and saving custom line items can happen from 2 places:

  • Jobs
  • Pricing

Saved line items will appear in Pricing -> Custom Items

How to save a custom item from Jobs:

  • Click on 'Add custom item'

  • Type the name and set the price for the custom item

  • The new item will show in the dropdown with the word "add" in front of it
  • Click it to select it
  • If the custom item has previously been saved it will appear as an option for you to select in the dropdown without the word "add" in front of it
  • Click on 'Save and Add custom item' to save the item for future use AND to add it to the job

  • Click on 'Add custom item' without saving it for future use to add the item as a 1-time item to the specific job

  • Added custom items will appear in the 'Payment details' section

  • Easily edit or delete the custom items in the 'Job details' section (scroll down)

How to save a custom item from Pricing:

All saved custom items will appear in Pricing -> Custom Items.

You can also create custom items from there.

  • Click on 'Add Custom Item'

  • Fill out the name and price

  • Click 'Save'
Custom items creating this way are saved for future use and can be selected on any job
  • All of your saved custom items will appear in Pricing -> Custom Items

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