How to send job assignments to cleaners - from Jobs

Learn how to send job assignments from Jobs
Written by Khari
Updated 3 months ago

You can send job assignments via email to your assigned cleaner/team from 2 places:

Here is how to send job assignment emails from jobs:

  • From the job click on 'Send reminder'

  • Choose 'Tech/team email' from the dropdown

  • The tech/team assigned to the job will receive the job assignment email for this job


  • Your techs/teams will receive that specific jobs in a job assignment email
  • If no technician or team is assigned the emails will not be received
  • Job assignments are ONLY sent by email
  • Changes made to the job assignment email template will be reflected in the email
  • Techs can check jobs through the ModernMaid.IO app (available on Android & Apple)

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