Use geofencing to define your service area

Set your coverage area to prevent outside bookings & preview the changes to the online booking form
Written by Caitlyn baldassarre
Updated 3 months ago

You can use geofencing (geo-fence is a virtual perimeter) to define and set up your service, or coverage, area(s). You can set multiple areas, there are no limits.

You can use zip/postal codes, cities, towns, or addresses to define your coverage area

Learn how to:

  • Turn geofencing 'On' & define your coverage area(s)
  • Preview of what your customers will see on the online booking form

How to turn on geofencing & define your coverage area(s):

  • Settings -> General -> Scroll down to Geofencing

  • Turn Geofencing 'On' to enable

  • Use the 'Location' field to enter a city, zip/postal code, state, or street address to define a starting point for your coverage area

  • Enter the radius of coverage below that (in miles for US and kilometers for all other countries)
  • Click 'Add'
  • You will see the map lock into the location along with the radius coverage

  • Repeat the steps above to add multiple service areas

What your customers will see on the online booking form:

  • If geofencing is turned 'On' your booking form will required customers to enter their zip/postal code before proceeding to book

  • If the customer's zip/postal code is not within the defined service area the customer will not be allowed to book

  • When geofencing is turned on customers will see the zip/postal code calculator in place of the pricing calculator
  • Customers who fill this out that are within the defined service area will be taken to the booking page to complete their booking


  • Preview the changes to the calculator/booking form in from the previewer sections in Settings -> Booking forms & Communications -> Calculator form and Checkout form sections
  • Make sure to use valid addresses/zip/postal codes/cities for most accurate geofencing results
  • You can delete geofenced areas by clicking the trash icon next to the added area (on the right)

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Confused on how geofencing works? Send us an email  and our support team will immediately help!

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