How to create a default checklist

You can create a default checklist from Settings that will automatically load for every job
Written by Khari
Updated 3 months ago

You can create a default checklist that will be loaded within each job - as a default. This is done from Settings.

  • Settings -> Booking forms & Communication -> Checklist

  • Creating 1 to-do list item from the default checklist in Settings will trigger the default checklist to be 'On' for every new job

Checklist categories:

The default checklist comes preloaded with 5 categories:

  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Kitchen
  • Living room
  • Dining room

  • You can create a category by navigating to Settings -> Booking forms & Communication -> Checklist -> Add category

  • Fill out the name
  • Click 'Save'
  • Once a category is created it will appear in the 'Checklist category section

  • You can edit the category name or delete the category using the 2 buttons to the right:

Creating to-do items:

  • You can create a to-do item by navigating to Settings -> Booking forms & Communication -> Checklist -> Add item

    • Fill out the name field (required)
      • Select the 'Required' checkbox to make it required

All required to-do items must be completed in order to set the Job status to 'Completed'
      • You can add an image
  • Select a category it belongs to (not required)

  • Create a new category while creating a to-do item by clicking on 'New category'

  • Fill out the name
  • Click 'Add category'
  • The new category will now be available in the 'Categories' dropdown and on the main checklist page
    • Created to-do list items that are categorized will appear under the relevant category for new jobs ONLY

    • Attached images will show on the to-do item in the checklist

    How to 'Complete' a checklist to-do item:

    • 'Complete' a checklist item by clicking on the square box icon to the left of the to-do list item name

    • Once a to-do item has been 'Completed' the status will change from 'Incomplete' (yellow) to 'Complete' (green)

    • Completion of a required to-do item can be made by the assigned tech/team, admin, or manager

    Relevant articles:

    Do you have more questions about the default checklist and how it works? Email us at

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