Setting/changing the expiration date

Learn how the expiration date for quotes works
Written by Caitlyn baldassarre
Updated 2 months ago

There are 3 ways that you can set the expiration date for a quote:

  • When creating/editing a quote
  • On the quote details page
  • Quote reminder email
Leaving expiration date blank means the quote will NOT expire

How to set/change the expiration date when creating/editing:

  • Scroll to the 'Expiration date' field

  • Leave blank or select a date
  • Save

How to set/change the expiration date from Quote details page:

  • Click on 'Expiration date'

  • Set/change the expiration date from the pop up

  • Save

How to set/change the expiration date from the quote reminder email:

  • Click on 'Send reminder email/quote'

  • Set/change the expiration date from the 'Expires on' field

  • Click 'Preview and Save'


  • You can always change the expiration date
  • Customers will not be notified about changes in the expiration date

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