How to price jobs using square feet/meter ranges

Create square ft/m ranges & choose whether to show them on the booking forms and/or to associate a price with them
Written by Khari
Updated 1 year ago

You can create square ft/m ranges in 'Pricing' and choose if you want to show them on the booking forms.

  • You can zero out all other pricing & choose to price only by square ft/m ranges
  • Your created ranges will be displayed on the Job details page

Here's how to set up your square ft/m ranges and prices:

  • Click into the 'Pricing' module
  • Click on 'Add Sq/ft/m Range'

  • Fill out the fields from the pop up (you can leave Pricing at $0.00)

  • Click 'Save'
  • Your newly created ranges will show below!

  • If you select 'Yes' on the 'Show on checkout page' option then your range will show up like this:

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