Setting up pay for technicians

Learn how to set up pay for your cleaners/employees
Written by Caitlyn baldassarre
Updated 8 months ago

You can set pay for your technicians in MMIO when you create them and/or when editing.

You have 3 options for payroll:

  • Fixed dollar amount pay
  • Percentage based pay
  • Hourly pay
Jobs with the status of 'Invoice Sent' will be included towards the tech/team's pay off

Here is how to set up pay for techs:

  • When creating or editing a tech scroll down to the 'Setting Payroll' section

  • Click on the dropdown box 

        a. Fixed: Pay is a fixed dollar amount per job

        b. Percentage: Pay is a percentage of the total job value

        c. Hourly: Based on hours worked from start/stop time per job


    • Use the payroll report in 'Reports' to check the pay totals for technicians
    • You can adjust pay per job on the each job the tech is assigned to
    • Hourly pay is calculated ONLY based on the tech clocking in/out by using the start/stop timer buttons
    • Technicians are not able to edit their own profiles

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