Log in as a technician

Admins/managers can log in as technicians on the web
Written by Caitlyn baldassarre
Updated 2 months ago

Administrators and managers can log into MMIO as technicians from the web. You can log into a tech's profile in 2 different ways:

  • From the Technicians module
  • From the Users tab in Settings
Logging into MMIO  as a technician is ONLY available for the web and NOT available on our mobile app

How to log in as a tech from the Technicians module:

  • Click on Technicians

  • Select the technician you would like to log in as
  • Click on the 'Log in as tech' button

  • When ready to exit back to your view click on 'Exit to admin login' in the bottom left of the screen

How to log in as a tech from the Users tab in Settings:

  • Click on the 'Users' tab in Settings

  • Click on the 'Log in as tech' button on the right for the tech you wish to log in as

  • When ready to exit back to your view click on 'Exit to admin login' in the bottom left of the screen


  • Technicians will not be notified of logins
  • Changes made to their profile while logged in as them will be reflected

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