Creating a technician user

Learn how to create a cleaner in MMIO
Written by Khari
Updated 1 year ago

Technicians are Users that can be created from the Technicians function on the left-hand side panel or from Settings -> Users

Here is how to create a technician from the Technician function on the left-hand side panel in MMIO

1. Click on the Technicians icon on the left-hand side panel

2. Click on “Add Technician” at the top right

3. Fill out all of the required fields (make sure to choose a color) - colors are reflected in Scheduling

4. Username, password, and email are required fields
    a. The username and password set here will be the tech's login information (they can also log into our app with their password and username)

Download the app:

  • Google Play Store
  • Apple App Store

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