How to activate and add recurring frequencies to jobs

Learn how to create recurring jobs
Written by Khari
Updated 3 months ago

You can add recurring service options and a one-time option as a frequency for jobs to occur.

At least 1 subscription MUST be 'Active' in order to correctly use MMIO

How to activate recurring frequency options:

  • Click on the 'Pricing' tab on the left hand panel
  • Click on the subscription that you want to use

  • Set the Status to 'Active'

Selecting a recurring subscription when creating/editing a job:

  • Click Edit/Add Job

  • Select the frequency from 'Subscriptions' dropdown

  • Click 'Save' when done


  • Recurring frequencies will display 1 year into the future on the calendar
  • At least 1 'Active' subscription is REQUIRED
  • You cannot create custom subscriptions

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