How customers can pay their invoice online

Customers can pay their invoice online once its been sent
Written by Caitlyn baldassarre
Updated 8 months ago

After receiving their invoice via email customers can click on the payment link on the invoice and pay using a credit/debit card.

An integration with Stripe/Square is REQUIRED in order for this functionality to work

Here's how customers can pay their invoice online:

  • Send the invoice to the customer
  • Customer clicks on the payment link directly from the email
    • The payment online link does not work through the invoice PDF attachment

  • A new page will open where your customer can pay using a credit/debit card

  • Once successfully paid the job status will automatically change to 'Paid'


  • Your MMIO account MUST be integrated with either Stripe or Square in order for customers to be able to pay their invoice online
  • The job status will automatically be set to 'Paid' ONLY if a customer pays the invoice online using a debit/credit card
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