Send customer portal invites automatically

Automatically invite your customers to the portal
Written by Caitlyn baldassarre
Updated 3 months ago

You can choose to automatically send customer portal invite emails once a new customer has successfully made a booking.

The portal invite email will come as a separate email following the booking confirmation email.

Customer portal access MUST be turned 'On' for automatic invites

How to turn on the automatic sending of portal invite emails:

  • Go to Settings -> Booking forms & Communication -> Customer portal
  • Toggle the 'Send portal invite automatically' button to 'On'

  • Click 'Save'

Example of the email your customers will receive:


  • The customer portal invite email may end up in Spam/Junk, please ask your customer to check in those folders if they did not receive it
  • A customer cannot log into the portal if they have not created a portal account
  • Customer portal access MUST be turned 'On' in order to use this feature

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Do you have more questions about our customer portal? Please reach out:

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