How to add additional text (rich text) on our checkout page (booking form)

Add text within each section of our booking form so that your customers stay informed of your policies
Written by Caitlyn baldassarre
Updated 8 months ago

Our standard booking page has 3 sections:

1. Service and Extras

2. Contact Details

3. Payment Details

You can add additional (rich) text to the top or the bottom of each section.

Some of the things you can do:

  • Hyperlink
  • Bold
  • Increase font size
  • Change color
  • Change spacing
  • Change font
  • Add bullet points

How to add additional information text:

To add additional information to your integrated checkout page head to Settings -> Booking forms & Communications -> Checkout form -> Additional Information:

  • Each section of the checkout page has its own text editor box for you to write out what you would like for it to say/show
The section you are writing text for is shown above the text editor box - this is the section that your text will appear in (at the top or bottom of it):

  • Hyperlinking is powerful because it can be used to directly link to your terms & conditions and/or your cleaning checklist for customer awareness
  • Make sure to scroll down and click on 'Save' in order for the changes to show

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