AirBnb/VRBO/TripAdvisor iCal calendar integration

Learn how to easily sync your Airbnb/VRBO/TripAdvisor (any iCal) calendar for automated job creation
Written by Caitlyn baldassarre
Updated 8 months ago

You can sync your Airbnb/VRBO/TripAdvisor calendars (any iCal calendar link works) with MMIO.

When synced MMIO will automatically create jobs at your specified checkout time.

The checkout time is represented in MMIO by the arrival window you select when syncing your ical calendar

So if you have an Airbnb customer who's calendar link you are syncing and their check out time for the property is 11:00am, you have to select 11:00am (or any other time you wish to have the jobs for this Airbnb created for) as the arrival time option when creating the sync.

This will create a job in MMIO for under this customer for 11:00am (as the arrival window) on whatever date the actual checkout is occurring.

MMIO will continue creating jobs for that customer based on your actual reservations with the checkout time always being whatever you set your arrival time to.

Make sure to have your customer already created in MMIO  prior to syncing an iCal calendar

How to sync your Airbnb/ bookings:

  • Scroll to the iCal integration section in Settings -> Integrations -> iCal

  • Click on 'Add'

  • Search for the Customer you want these jobs to be created under

  • Select your 'Arrival time'
    • This should correspond with the reservation's checkout time or close to it
    • Arrival time options displayed here are set from Settings -> General

  • Paste in your calendar URL (iCal link) from your Airbnb/VRBO/TripAdvisor customer in the 'iCal link' field

  • Click 'Save'


  • Jobs will now automatically be created for this customer based on reservations from the synced calendar. You will have to assign them to a cleaner/team
  • You will receive booking confirmation emails
  • Blocked days from the Airbnb/ calendar will not show up in your Scheduling view
  • The Customer profile in MMIO will show a calendar sync success graphic if the iCal calendar has successfully been linked

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