Adding multiple addresses

Learn how to add multiple addresses for customers
Written by Caitlyn baldassarre
Updated 2 months ago

Find different ways to add in multiple addresses for one customer rather than creating multiple profiles for one customer. Learn how to change addresses for jobs.

How to add multiple addresses when creating a new customer:

  • Click on 'Customers' in the left hand column options

  • Then click on 'Add Customer' top right

  • You will then be able to add in multiple addresses

How to add an additional address from 'Edit Customer':

  • Navigate to the customer's profile
  • Click on 'Edit Customer'

  • Add in the new address by filling out the details
  • Click 'Save changes'

How to change the address for a recurring customer

  • Click on the drop down arrow next to the customer's name
  • Select from available addresses (this will be set as the default address)

How to add another address within a new job:

  • Click on 'Jobs'
  • Then click on 'Add Job' top right

  • Add in addresses

How to switch between addresses for an existing job:

  • Click on 'Jobs'
  • Then click on the job number

  • Then click on 'Edit Jobs' top right

  • Add in the addresses

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